Discipline or self-discipline is the willingness to control or correct ourselves in order to be better.
"I keep my body under control and make it my slave, so I won't lose out after telling the good news to others."
1 Corinthians 9:27

Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekly activities for Pioneers (March-June)

this year we'll be having loads of activities. it'll definitely be enjoyable and would be terrible if you missed out, so make sure you attend GB on the following dates:

5 March - Baking
12-15 March - National Drill Camp in WMS, KL
18-20 March - Company camp at Broga
26 March - Baking
2 April - Baking
9 April - Baking / No Apologies Workshop*
16 April - Easter celebration
23 April - Baking / No Apologies Workshop*
30 April - Visitation to chocolate factory*
7 May - Normal Meeting
14 May - Awards Day
21 May - Normal Meeting
28 May - Enrollment Day Rehearsal*
29 May - Enrollment Day*
28-31 May- YLRALT Camp
11 June - Personal Grooming
18 June - Personal Grooming
25 June - Personal Grooming

*Date to be confirmed

come to GB every week!
*hints to someone.. YX*

sarah (:

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